Shotgun Notification – Winter Warmup Shoot, Saturday 18th November 2023

Please find enclosed details of the Winter Warmup Shoot to be held on Saturday, 18th November 2023 consisting of 100 sporting clays over 12 stations. The date listed on the Atlantic Shoot calendar (Tuesday 7th November) is incorrect and should be disregarded.
For registration, email and supply name (or names if registering a squad), email addresses of all squad members and preferred start time.
For those more familiar with Scorechaser, please visit and either scroll to the Winter Warmup shoot, 18th November 2023 or search under “Lunenberg” and register directly.
First squad out at 10:00 am, entry fee $50 per entrant (payable on arrival); cash only please. Squads may be combined and start times adjusted based on number of shooters.
Cash prizes will be offered for HOA, High Lady, High Junior and Class Winners/Runners up.
The 100 yard range will be closed for the day to accommodate the event; your understanding is appreciated.
Any questions, comments or concerns to
We hope to see you out there,
On behalf of the Shotgun Committee