With regulation Skeet & Trap Fields, and a wide array of automatic sporting clay machines, we can set up any target flights you may wish to practice on.

Tuesday at 1:00pm (skeet and trap) – please pre-register via email to

Saturday mornings at 10:00 am until 2:00pm (sporting clays) – please pre-register via email to

[Note: The outdoor range is closed during Shotgun practice.]

The 100 yard Range is closed from 8am to 2pm every Saturday until further notice.

Skeet and Trap – $7.50 for 25 targets
Sporting Clays – $15 for 50 targets, $22.50 for 75 targets, $30 for 100 targets.
Guest fees are as follows:
50 targets – $25; 75 targets – $37.50; 100 targets – $50

Co-Chair: Jason Bartlett
Co-Chair: Greg Singer
