Invitation to Annual General Meeting, 12th December 2023


I would like to invite you to attend our Annual General Meeting which will be held at the LRGC clubhouse on Tuesday 12th December at 7 p.m. – an agenda for the meeting is attached. If there are any late changes to the agenda before the meeting, I will send you the updated version beforehand.

There are no Special Resolutions this year and business will consist of a review of club activities and performance for 2023 together with a look forward to 2024 and approval of the club budget for the year. The AGM agenda will be then rounded off with the nomination and election of the Executive for 2024.

Pre-read materials will be distributed to you in the next few weeks, no later than one week before the discussion. Paper copies will also be available at the clubhouse on the evening of the AGM.

This will be in person meeting as is normal practice. Any questions or comments on the AGM can be directed to me at

Hope to see you on 12th December!

Alan Collins
President – Lunenburg Rod and Gun Club

LRGC AGM Agenda, 12th December 2023